Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Names of God: Jehovah-Sabaoth

Jehovah-Sabaoth: The LORD of Hosts - This name emphasizes the power and glory of God.

Psalms 46:7 KJV
The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

Psalms 24:10 KJV
Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

There have been many ways I have started to go with this post. I thought about talking about how the LORD of Hosts has blessed us in our lives, especially in the last couple of months. We have seen many prayers answered and 2 souls saved. We have so much to praise Him for, so much to thank Him for. He has shown us His power and His glory. He is truly the LORD of hosts.

But tonight, instead of praising Him for what He has done, I want to praise Him for what He will do.

I know that many of my posts seem to center on my miscarriages and losing Lachlan. And though I certainly do not mean to dwell on my past, the pain and suffering of losing my babies is more in the present than I might care to admit. The Lord has given me a peace in losing my babies, I know that I would truly never pray them out of His arms and into mine. But when the due dates and the dates of my miscarriages sneak up on me, the pain can be hard to bear. 

Yesterday when the nurse came to take the boys back for their well exams to start McSmiles next week and I saw her rounded belly, I felt a pang in heart and a lump in my throat. And then immediately felt guilty for being jealous and hurt over something so joyous just because it wasn't mine. Last week while we celebrated my niece's 7th birthday, and I held my tiny great-nephew, my insides were in a knot. Aidyn should've turned a year old last Saturday. I should've spent the day making a smash cake and decorating and taking pictures of a chubby toddler covered in icing. This week I ought to have been passing out baby shower invitations for Declan, counting down the days of my last trimester and getting ready for a newborn in just a couple of months.

But God.

But God who is the the King of glory and our refuge, who is the LORD of Hosts can satisfy my barren womb. He can see that life grows within me again if that is His will. And until that day, I must praise Him that 4 of my children are already in His arms and pray for Kieran and Devlin each and every day, that they will come to know Him as their Savior so that my family will one day be whole in Heaven.

Then there are some days when I think that the pain is just too much to bear, when I mourn for babies not my own. Days when I read about Planned Parenthood and the horrific and gruesome atrocities done in the name of feminism and women's rights, and I sit enraged, sickened, and sorrowful. I sob for the babies who were hated and feared from the moment of their conception instead of being loved and cherished as they should be. I weep for the babies born alive and dissected for body parts and tissue to be sold to the highest bidder while their tiny hearts are still beating. 

But God.

But God who is powerful and glorious, who is the LORD of Hosts will see that justice is done for these babies one day and I am praising Him for that tonight. One day when my Jesus returns, evil will be stamped out in this earth. And until that day, I will spend each and every day in prayer for the abolition of abortion.

Jehovah-Sabaoth is the King of glory and the LORD of Hosts and I will praise Him for all that He can and will do as well as what He has done in my life and our nation.