Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Names of God: Jehovah-Nissi

Jehovah-Nissi: The LORD Is My Banner or The LORD That Prevaileth

Exodus 17:15 KJV
And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:

There is a war raging in this world, in the hearts of Christians. It has raged for thousands of years, since long before the first coming of the Son of Man. There have been battles won and battles lost in the hearts of every man, every child of God that has walked in this world since the fall of man. But there is one thing that we can have certainty in, and it is this, we are not in battle alone. We do not march against the enemy blindsighted. We march with Jehovah-Nissi, and we have the assurance given to us from the Word of God, that whether we are fighting the battle against addiction, death, loss, grief, anxiety, financial burden, whatever the sin or trial may be, He has already defeated it. Jehovah-Nissi, The LORD That Prevaileth, has won the war! We must simply fight the daily battles with sin, with Satan, with the secular world, and march towards the finish line. 

My battle has been pregnancy loss and infertility. It wears me down, leaves me in the throes of defeat, makes every day feel like it is insurmountable. It wages war on my faith, my peace, and my joy. It is a fight that is invisible to others, which makes it harder to combat. But it is a fight that 1 in 4 women face. And with odds like that, there shouldn't be so much silence surrounding it. 

It is time to break the silence, to band together in our war rooms, and pray over our battle plans. It is time to fly our Banner, Jehovah-Nissi. Our loss is nothing more than a tactic from Satan to try to tear us from beneath God's wing, where we sit loved and protected. But he cannot. We serve a God who prevails in any and all circumstances, no matter the battle. But we have to do the work. We have to march on the battlefield and declare that we are His! We have to kneel in our war rooms and call out our prayers and build up our resistance to the devil's evil tactics. He cannot have what belongs to Jehovah-Nissi.

He cannot have our faith, our peace, our joy. He may wage war on our flesh but he'll never win. Though I have suffered miscarriages, given birth to a son born still, the victory is mine because they await me in heaven, in the arms of my Victor, Jehovah-Nissi, The LORD That Prevaileth. 

I am casting him out of my womb in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ. He will not dwell there anymore. 

My God will prevail. 

My God will triumph. 

My God is Jehovah-Nissi.

I'm Gonna Die On The Battlefield

One day while I was thinking
On unseen things above
The Savior spoke unto me
And filled my heart with love

I used to have some people
Who walked and talked with me
But since I've been converted
They've turned their backs on me

Some say give me silver
Some say give me gold
I say give me Jesus
Who saved my dying soul

I'll take this gospel trumpet
And I'll begin to blow
Oh Lord if you will help me
I'll blow it wherever I go

I'm gonna die on the battlefield
I'm gonna die in the war
I'm gonna die on the battlefield
With glory in my soul 

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