Friday, July 17, 2015

The Names of God: El Gibbor

El Gibbor: The Mighty God
This name of God lays emphasis upon the omnipotence or power of God.

Isaiah 9:6 KJV
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

I've had a difficult time writing this post. I've thought about it every day for a month and just have not been able to put the words together to form a coherent thought. I have been battling depression and just plain misery. But in the last 2 weeks we have attended services in 3 different camp meetings or revivals, with 3 different preachers, and 3 very different message themes. Yet each one in their own way brought out the magnificence of the Mighty God that we serve.

Each preacher brought a message about our Mighty God that I needed to hear. The first about a Mighty God who fervently prayed for me, even as He was in the midst of sacrificing Himself. The second preacher brought a message about worshiping our Mighty God, even when we feel like it the least. The third preacher brought a message about the Mighty God who is able to bring us up, bring us out, and bring us in. 

I've learned that the Mighty God sent His Son, the One called Wonderful, Counselor, and The Prince of Peace to be a Savior for my sins. And that Son had a prayer for me. 

John 17:24
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

And He prayed not just for me, for me to be with Him where He is, but He prayed for my babies too. And for 4 of my sweet babies, that prayer has been fulfilled. They are with Him now, beholding His glory. And for the 2 living sons that I have, I know that He has prayed for them the same prayer and that it too will be fulfilled one day when we are called up to meet Him in the clouds.

I've learned too that the Mighty God deserves to be praised and worshiped in such a way that we lose sight of what is around us, what is happening in our lives, what we don't have and we gain sight of what is to come, what will happen in our glorified bodies and what we will have in His presence. I have been so downtrodden and depressed in these last 5 months, grieving for my lost baby, lost dreams, and what has felt like lost prayers, that I had forgotten how to praise Him. I've been praying so hard for myself to have a baby that I have lost sight of what I should be praying for. I should be praying His will to be done, for Him to use me and humble me, and for my family. I've been selfish these last 5 months in thinking of myself. I lost sight of the family around me that needs my prayers, I got caught up in what wasn't happening in my life and on the prayers I didn't feel like God was answering for me and I forgot how to praise Him through it all. 

Last night, I got my praise back. I praised the Mighty God. The Mighty God who can raise up the dead, cast out the demons, and  welcome in the prodigal son. I praised Him and it didn't matter that the fertility treatments failed. I praised Him and the disappointment of negative pregnancy tests were gone. I praised Him and knew that my life would be His if only I'd let it. I praised Him and knew that He would use me if only I'd let Him. I praised Him and knew that I would be reunited with my babies, my family would be complete, and that if it were His will, I would bear another child. I praised Him and knew that I loved Him, that I'd be lost without Him.

I praised the Mighty God.

The Prodigal Son

Like the prodigal son I wandered in darkness
And I traded my life for a world of good time
No peace in my heart I ever could find
And I got so tired feeding after the swine

So I believe I’ll go home and eat with the Father
The table is spread and they’re waiting for me
I can see the Father coming out to greet me
“Lord I’m willing to be just a servant for Thee”

Like the prodigal son I wandered from Jesus
But the Good Shepherd saw through the heat and the cold
The ninety and nine He left in the fold
Just to find this lost sheep that was hungry and cold

So I believe I’ll go home and eat with the Father
The table is spread and they’re waiting for me
I can see the Father coming out to greet me
“Lord I’m willing to be just a servant for Thee”

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