Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Names of God: Elohim-God

Elohim-God, The Strong and Faithful One. 

Psalms 90:2
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.

I'll just be honest tonight. I'm sitting here in the middle of my very own pity party, ugly crying and everything in my living room while Brandon and the boys sleep soundly. 

And over what? 

My time. 

There aren't enough hours in the day to do all that I need or want to do. Not enough time for housework or homework, not enough time to blog or to update our ministry website, not enough time to prepare for my women's meeting devotion next week or vacation Bible school, not enough time to cook supper - much less eat it, not enough time to do our yard work, not enough time to play with my boys, not enough time to spend with my husband, and not enough time for me to read, to sew, to sit down and enjoy Netflix without worrying about my never-ending "to do" list. And someone please tell me where to find enough time to sleep. I am crying over time spent doing everything but what ought to be done, time spent on everyone else but myself. It is a selfish, hateful pity party. 

And as I sit here typing my list of obligations, priorities, and wants and crying because there is not enough time for myself during the day, it is glaringly obvious that there isn't enough time for what ought to be my number one priority, my Jesus. Where in my list was I worried that there wasn't enough time for Jesus in my day? I wasn't. He was an afterthought, put on the back burner until I could find 5 minutes for Him that I wasn't selfishly wanting for myself. 

What if Elohim-God felt that way about me? What if I was just an afterthought to Him, just a muttered prayer at bedtime, what if He went all day and never once thought of me? If The Strong and Faithful One were as selfish as me, I'd not even be here, none of us would be. He'd never have sent His Son to shed His blood on Calvary if He were as selfish and as hateful as I am feeling right now. 

But from everlasting to everlasting, He is Elohim-God, He is strong and He is faithful. And He'll still love me when I wipe the tears from my face and ask forgiveness for the selfish way I've behaved. He'll still love me even though there wasn't enough time to finish my homework this week. He'll still love me even though there is a mountain of laundry to do and a pile of dishes to wash. He'll still love me even though my yard needs tended to. And He'll still love me even though I desperately want to sit down and binge watch Netflix and eat the hidden stash of Easter candy I have. 

But what He wants is for me to give Him my time. He wants me to wake with His name on lips and fall asleep uttering His praises at night. He wants me to spend my time in His Word during the day and come to Him with thanksgiving not just wanting and needing. He wants me to grow strong in His Word and be faithful in my love. He wants me to spend as much time with Him as I want to spend on myself. 

From everlasting to everlasting, He is Elohim-God, He is strong, He is faithful, and He deserves my time.

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