Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Who Are You Lord? : I Am The Comforter

Psalms 139:17 KJV
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

John 14:16-18 KJV
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

2 Corinthians 7:6 KJV
Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus;

What need would we have for The Comforter if our lives were always comfortable?  Unfortunately it is taught by false teachers and preachers that if you are a Christian, your life will be perfect. You'll have a fancy house and expensive cars, you'll be rich and never want for anything, nothing bad will ever happen to you.  They lull new Christians, who lack the knowledge to know any different, into a false sense of security about what it means to have Salvation.  Salvation means your soul, your eternal life is secure, and your spirit will be made perfect and whole in the sight of the Lord because you are covered by the Blood.  Salvation does not mean your physical, worldly life will be perfect. In fact Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:5 that, For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. We will have trials and tribulations here on earth, we will suffer in ways we never thought we could but our consolation aboundeth in Christ.  I would never want to trade my Heavenly treasures for earthly possessions.  

I am a worrier.  Always have been.  I would wake up in the middle of the night, so worried that I had forgotten my homework or that I was late for school that my heart was beating out of my chest and I could barely breathe.  I was married and hadn't been in school for years when this would happen.  When I become a Momma, suddenly the world was filled with dangers I'd never considered before.  The coffee tables are now emergency room trips waiting to happen, because inevitably little boys believe they can fly, a day at the park is filled with worry of broken bones, cuts and bruises, even trying new foods brings fears of allergic reactions. I simply think about them all the time and worry about them more often than not. And Psalms 119:17 tells us that The Lord knows our every thought and that they are precious to Him.  He knows our every thought, even those we are too ashamed, too afraid, too beaten down and broken to utter aloud. He knows them. And what does He do? He comforts us. He comforts those that are cast down. Whether we believe, in the middle of our anxiety, sorrow, or depression that He is there or not.  If we are one of His, if we have accepted Him as our Savior then He tells us He will send The Comforter to us, to dwell within us, never to leave.  He will not leave us comfortless.  I cannot tell you the nights I have lain awake worried about one thing or another, our boys, our finances, our future, our family...And do you know that all I had to do was pray to find the comfort I was so desperately seeking.  I only had to cry out unto Him.  Too often I use prayer as a last resort instead of my first response.  I look back at the years we were living out of the will of God and I wonder how I made it through a single day.  I am so ashamed to say that I would go days, weeks, even months, without saying a real prayer, without pouring my heart out to God.  The anxiety and stress that I suffered in those years was smothering.  I suffered several debilitating panic attacks.  I simply could not find comfort.  I simply was not looking in the right place for it.  

I have not suffered a single panic attack in over 2 years.  Even facing the possibility of losing our home did not send me into the state of panic that I lived in for years.  Does my anxiety sometimes start to get the better of me? Yes. And I know I must immediately get on my knees and pray.  Some days I am in constant prayer.  It is a constant battle to keep worry, anxiety, and fear beat back but I know that I am not alone.  He dwells within me. He will not leave me comfortless.

God didn't promise us days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain. But He did promise us Strength for the day, Comfort for the tears, and Light for the way.

Didn't I Walk On The Water

As I kneel in the darkness in the middle of the night
I’m praying for assurance everything’s gonna be alright
Lord I see another battle out in front of me
I’m afraid I won’t be able and I’ll go down in defeat

And He said, I walked on the water and I calmed the raging sea
I spoke to the wind, it hushed and I gave you peace
Didn’t I run to your rescue didn’t I hear you when you called
I walked right beside you just so you wouldn’t fall
Didn’t I leave all of Heaven just to die for your sin
I searched until I found you and I’d do it all again

He said, do you remember where I brought you from
Just take a look behind you at how far you’ve come
And everytime you asked me, didn’t I deliver you
So why would you be thinking that I wouldn’t see you through

And He said, I walked on the water and I calmed the raging sea
I spoke to the wind, it hushed and I gave you peace
Didn’t I run to your rescue didn’t I hear you when you called
I walked right beside you just so you wouldn’t fall
Didn’t I leave all of Heaven just to die for your sin
I searched until I found you and I’d do it all again

Now she’s talking to her father in a house that was once a home
She said my bills are coming due Lord and six days is not that long
She hears a voice so still and low
It says I’ve moved like that before
And I’ll do this little thing and I’ll give you so much more

And He said, I walked on the water and I calmed the raging sea
I spoke to the wind, it hushed and I gave you peace
Didn’t I run to your rescue didn’t I hear you when you called
I walked right beside you just so you wouldn’t fall
Didn’t I leave all of Heaven just to die for your sin
I searched until I found you and I’d do it all again

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