Monday, July 14, 2014

Who Are You Lord? : I Am The Way, I Am The Truth, I Am The Light

John 14:6 KJV
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 8:12 KJV
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

2Corinthians 3:17 KJV 
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

I Never Shall Forget The Day

Long years ago when out in sin
I had no hope no peace within
Down on my knees in agony
I prayed to Jesus and He gladly set me free

I never shall forget the day
And all the burdens of my soul were rolled away
It made me happy, be glad and free
I'll sing and shout it, God means everything to me

Now I can feel, him at my side
My fewer steps, he comes to guide
When trials come, he comforts me
To faith in him or sin I have a victory

I never shall forget the day
And all the burdens of my soul were rolled away
It made me happy, be glad and free
I'll sing and shout it, God means everything to me

Oh, sinner come to Jesus now
At His dear feet just humbly bow
Confess to Him your every sin
He'll save and cleanse you, give you peace and joy within
I never shall forget the day
And all the burdens of my soul were rolled away
It made me happy, be glad and free
I'll sing and shout it, God means everything to me

I remember the day. And I'll never forget it.  I was sitting in my Momma's Sunday School room learning about the ravens feeding Elijah and his faithfulness in the Lord.  I remember standing beside her, my heart racing so fast it felt like it was going to fly out of my chest just any minute, tears streaming down my face. I knew I wanted to trust in God like Elijah did and I knew that I didn't want to be bad anymore and I knew I needed Jesus to come live in my heart if I wanted to be good.  I had just turned 5 years old.  It was a simple understanding of Jesus's love but that was all it took because it is simple. Jesus tells us plainly the He is The Way, The Truth and The Life and no man comes unto the Father but by Him. One Way, One Truth and Everlasting Life.

It has been 22, nearly 23 years since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. And I have not always been a good Christian woman. There were years in my life that if you had asked my coworkers and friends to describe me, Christian would not have been an adjective they'd have used.  I was walking afar off, I had lost my way and it took me a long time to remember The Way back home.

I struggled during those years with my convictions and my doctrine. I had married a man whose family also professed to be Christian, whose father led a weekly Bible study in his home, and who I constantly seemed to be at odds with over what the Bible said and what it meant.  It got to the point that I cringed every time Bible study with his parents was mentioned because I knew what was being taught was wrong and try as I might I couldn't convince Brandon to believe me. He'd been saved at 9 years old at Vacation Bible School that his Aunt and cousins had taken him to.  The opportunities for him to attend church after that were few and far between over the years. Instead of being raised in church he was raised with heavy metal music blaring, alcohol flowing Saturday night parties and hangover ridden Bible study Sunday mornings. I didn't know a lot about the Bible but I knew what I had been taught and what I felt in my heart to be true. But regardless of the argument there was one thing we both agreed on, Jesus.  He was the One Truth we both had in our hearts. His Truth is the one thing that saved our marriage and our family.

We found our way because of His Truth and He became our Light and our Life.  It is hard to look back and believe that it has been 2 years next month that Brandon answered his call from God to preach.  It seems like it has gone by so fast.  And there have been many times that without His Light, we'd have lost our way again. There is so much and so many that we had to leave behind when we rejoined the straight and narrow way again but because of Jesus, the Light of the world, we don't miss a single thing.  We lost half of our family when Brandon answered his call to preach but we gained a church family full of love, support, and encouragement. We've replaced the darkness that was rampant in our lives with the Everlasting Light.  Our lives have been transformed from arguing about Him to serving Him side by side. I can never thank Him enough.  The nightmares of divorce and drunken arguments have been replaced with the daydreams of seeing my boys accept Christ as their Savior, just like my Momma did with me.  

No, I never shall forget the day.

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